A well-structured staff induction is very important as it will create a positive impression of your organisation, improve staff retention and ensure a good start to the employer/employee relationship.
(The majority of staff decide if they are going to leave an organisation in the first 4 weeks of employment).
A well-planned induction will:
- Make the person feel welcome and comfortable
- Clarify expectations
- Make it easy to commence work
Things you may wish to include in your induction protocol:
1. Talk to your existing staff about:
- Who the new person is
- What their role will be
- What role they can play during the induction
2. Have everything the person needs ready in advance. This may include:
- Name tag
- Email address
- Copy of the roster
- Organisation chart (who everyone is and their role)
- Business card
- Equipment
- Uniform
- Coffee cup (the little things are important)
3. Let the new employee know what is expected:
- Discuss the job description, your expectations and how the individual’s role will contribute to the success of the business.
4. Administration – your checklist may include:
- Payroll obtains all necessary information
- Copy of employment contract given to employee
- Visa status (if applicable)
- All licenses and permits required are current, including veterinary surgeons’ board registration and radiology license
- Occupational health and safety
5. Communicate:
- Speak with your new employee frequently to provide help/guidance. If you are not always available make sure they know who to go to if they need help.
6. Reviews during probation period:
- Reviews are often performed monthly and allow concerns to be addressed and provide clarity on priorities.
Like any other business priority, you and/or your existing staff will need to allocate time for inductions. Where organisations allocate time speaks volumes about what they value.
A well-planned and well-organised induction has many benefits for both parties.
Last Updated: July 2024
DISCLAIMER: The above information is for guidance purposes only. Vetlink takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information, which is not intended as advice.