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Vet Nurses – Make yourself a highly valuable employee

It is a really nice feeling to be a highly valued member of a team. How do you do this? The following ten points may be helpful.

Be punctual:
Arrive at work 10 minutes early every day. Be ready to start work when your shift starts.

Be reliable:
Make sure you only have to be asked to do something once. Employers, senior staff and colleagues really appreciate vet nurses who don’t have to be reminded to do things. You will soon become someone they can rely on. If you don’t have a good memory keep a note book in your pocket.

Use your initiative:
If you know someone is going to need something don’t wait to be asked. Anticipate your workmates needs and act.

Do the best job you can every day:
If you do the best you can each day no one can ask for more than that. Who knows if you have done your best? Only you. People you work with will have some idea but it’s really only you that knows.

Communicate well:
Communication requires effort. You need to communicate well with clients, your work colleagues and your boss. Remember that your ability to listen and really understand what the other person is telling you is as important as having the ability get your message across. Very few people really listen to each other. Consider doing a course on communication.

Use people’s names:
The ability to remember and use people’s and pet’s names is invaluable.  Nothing sounds sweeter to a client than hearing their name and their pet’s name when they are  greeted.

Animal handling skills and technical skills:
Having a good mentor and observing very experienced vets and vet nurses is very helpful when trying to improve your skills. It is also important to practise what you have learnt. If you do not have a designated mentor at work ask an experienced vet or vet nurse to teach and mentor you. The ability to deal with fractious animals, collect jugular blood samples, insert a catheter and so on are good skills to develop.

Poor performance at work:
Don’t let your activities in your own time negatively affect your performance at work. If you eat well, get enough sleep and limit alcohol intake your performance at work will be better.

Practice politics:
Don’t be a source of gossip and avoid being drawn into practice politics.

If you have a problem at work it is important to tell your boss. Choose a suitable time to approach your employer. If it is not an urgent matter you may wish to think about some solutions to the problem before you meet. Employers really appreciate staff who come up with solutions rather than just presenting the problem.

I am sure this list could be added to, but the points above are a good start.

What are the benefits for you? There are many:

  • You will enjoy your job more
  • You are more likely to get a pay rise
  • You make yourself highly employable
  • You make yourself a valuable part of the team

I would be delighted to hear your thoughts on this. Could you please leave me a comment below?


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7 Responses to Vet Nurses – Make yourself a highly valuable employee

  1. barbara 19 November, 2013 at 12:39 pm #

    I think the points that you have put forward are so valuable, We know these things but we forget and to be able to read this and refresh our memories is just great and i thank you very much.

  2. Felicity 19 November, 2013 at 2:15 pm #

    Agreed Barbara. Great blog and some fine words there for all of us nurses and vets to remember. Nothing more better than a happy positive strong workplace with good relationships with staff and clients.

  3. Stacey 20 November, 2013 at 9:38 am #

    Great blog Mark, thank you for the refresher! Nurses should already know these points, but if they are new to the industry and to the workforce I think they are very valuable lessons that are learnt, people are not always born with the traits to make an excellent employee, they are mostly learnt. TEAM stands for Together Everybody Achieves More!

  4. Kelly 21 November, 2013 at 5:53 pm #

    Great advice, Mark. Having been a vet nurse in local, specialist and wildlife practices, it is easy to forget the basics when it gets hectic, but so very important to keep cool and calm!

  5. Susan Hayden 21 November, 2013 at 7:35 pm #

    Wow I’m impressed!! It’s the unspoken stuff put into words! And very broad and concise!!
    If you can master this you will make a great nurse!! I think student nurses/new graduates would benefit from reading this.

  6. Katie 27 November, 2013 at 11:08 am #

    I actually find this quite patronising.
    Is there a simar ‘blog’ for vets? Or is it just us nurses who don’t know how to behave in the workplace?

  7. Averil 18 January, 2014 at 1:26 am #

    I agree. I think these are all useful and valid points, and it is definitely something that youngsters entering the workplace should be coached on … however, I do think that they apply just as much to vets as to vet nurses.