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Have you considered specialising?

There is a shortage of small animal specialists in Australia in many disciplines including:

  • Dermatology.
  • Clinical Pathology.
  • Small Animal Surgery.
  • Radiology/Diagnostic Imaging.

Why specialise?

Specialist roles offer:

  • Excellent salaries (compared to G.P. vets).
  • Good job prospects and job security.
  • An interesting and challenging career.

Things to consider

It can take many years and a very large time commitment to secure specialist qualifications.  Will this fit in with your goals? Will the shortage of specialists continue?

Career planning

To follow is a link to our career planning blog for your interest:

Career planning…What will you be doing in 10 years?

I would be delighted to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to leave me a comment below.

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2 Responses to Have you considered specialising?

  1. Carina Rynders 22 August, 2014 at 5:09 pm #

    Would like to specialise in small animal surgery, but in SA this is a major obstacle because the number of institutions to work and the number of students they take while you study is limited. But I’ve set a ten year goal so hopefully by 2019 there is an opportunity.

  2. John Inns 29 August, 2014 at 5:37 pm #

    Hmm, not sure about this one Mark. What is the evidence that there is a shortage of specialists in Australia? Is this purely on the number of current job vacancies? I think you need to look at the reasons for the current number of job vacancies. For instance it could be a result of the comparatively poorer salaries of specialists working in larger specialist practices where they receive a percentage of the money they take. If you look at Melbourne there is probably an oversupply of specialist surgeons. In a recent advert from PESC describing their mobile specialist service they state it has been developed in response to “intense market competition”.